Breeding farm | Causes of ovine’s mortality at the National ovine Center of Bétècoucou in Benin | IJAAR-2019


By: Fadeby Modeste Gouissi, Yao Akpo, Arouna M’baou Dramane, Souradjou Orou Goura

Key Words: Livestock management, Feeding, Building, Consanguinity, National ovine center

Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 15(6), 10–18, December 2019.

The management of animals in pasture at the National ovine Center in the breeding farm of Bétécoucou is confronted by some constraints that make the level of production remain low for several years. This study aims to identify the causes of animal’s mortality at the national ovine center of the Bétécoucou breeding farm in Benin. The biological material consisted of sheep from the National Ovine Center. It is a flock of pregnant ewes, lactating ewes, rams and lambs. The sampling unit is consisted of the small ruminants of the Bétècoucou breeding farm. The study included a population of 576 sheep of the center of which 41 rams, 21 male yearlings, 18 female yearlings, 301 pregnant and lactating ewes, 83 lambs and 112 ewes. The analyzed data relate to the feeding, livestock management, livestock buildings and watering animals at the National ovine Center. During the study, we recorded 38.46% mortality of lambs of the study sample and 15.46% mortality of the total study sample. Thus, we have shown that animal mortality at the center is not only related to pathologies but to feeding, livestock management, operations carried out on animals, consanguinity and livestock buildings.



Causes of ovine’s mortality at the National ovine Center of Bétècoucou in Benin

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