Soil constraints and management options for rice production areas in Cagayan, Philippines | JBES 2021
This research work were written by Andrea F Dawan, Gerald L Seridon, and Ricardo B Casauay from the institute of the College of Agriculture, Cagayan State University, Piat Campus, Piat, Cagayan, Philippines. This work was published by the Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES, an affiliated journals of the International Network For Natural Sciences | INNSPUB.
This study was conducted to develop soil constraints and management options for rice areas in Cagayan province, Philippines. Soil samples were taken from sixteen rice production municipalities in the province. Morphological properties of soils were investigated in situ. Samples were analyzed for their chemical and physical properties. Thirteen soil types were identified as Sta Rita clay loam, Toran silt clay, Isabela clay, Bantay clay loam, Buguey loamy sand, Quingua clay loam, San Manuel silt loam, Carig clay loam, Buguey sand, Alaminos silt clay, San Fernando clay, Toran loam, Quingua silt loam. Crop suitability analysis of these soils was done based on the soil characteristics studied per series and known requirements of each crop. Production constraints were identified and management practices recommendations were provided based on the recognized problems per soils series.
Knowledge of specific soil properties under various agricultural land use scenarios is necessary in making sound decisions regarding land use. The major areas planted to major crops (agricultural land use) in the province play an important role in food sustainability especially the major rice production areas. Moreover, dynamic soil properties are sensitive to land management practices and thus can provide valuable information about important soil processes and overall productivity potential.
SCAMP or Soil Constraints and Management Package (SCAMP) is a decision-support framework that attempts to bridge the gap between taxonomic soil surveys and informed management strategies for sustainable production on upland soils in the tropics. Being simple, yet comprehensive, it can be applied to any upland situation.
The idea of the SCAMP is very useful thus this study wants to develop a similar framework for other rice ecosystems (rainfed and irrigated lowland) not only for upland that is specific for Cagayan. Specifically, it aimed to; identify the major rice production areas and validate the spatial distribution of these areas in the province of Cagayan, characterize the soil planted to and/or utilized for rice production, analyze suitability of crop to different soil series characterized in the province, and identify production constraints and provide management practices recommendation based on the recognized problems. Check out more Soil constraints and management options for rice production areas in Cagayan, Philippines
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